I am totally thankful for you immediately giving me an easy-to-digest overview of available services, resources and options along with a range of fantastic recommendations.

I was thoroughly impressed by the almost immediate understanding of project requirements, next-level attention to detail and general intuitive and thoughtful approach to not only the project itself but, to the site we made (in record speed, mind you).

The intuitive and consistently can-do approach is very refreshing and so very rare in this world! Simplicity, creativity, resourcefulness and an earnest approach are what stood out for me, and a high-level of integrity and care for the work in general – absolutely no detail was left untouched and everything I wanted, you made happen. It’s rare to find any of those qualities in the industry so the combination of the above is a beautiful thing, and as a result, so is the website.

From a technical perspective it was future-proofed at every single level which adds another layer of amazingness – I can’t thank you enough for your help to overcome all obstacles and guiding and leading the way to make sure the site is fully measurable and all plugins integrated intelligently. The design, which can often make or break a project, is totally spot-on as well and was very quickly developed – a credit to your experience, knowledge of WordPress and the latest and greatest IA and industry practices.

Thanks very much to both Debbie, Glenn and the team, I hope to work with you again.